Well sure. Of course. Anyone can pray to anything at any time.
What such a questioner would really mean would be something like: ‘Do we believe in the FairDinkChurch that praying to our God would be of any use, would be sensible?’
Well yes. It’s a proven thing that prayer helps lots of people.
That doesn’t explain what prayer is.
Or why/how it helps them.
It just means what it says: that lots of people have reported that the ‘prayed’ and then help came.
Or more often that they prayed and felt better immediately.
And that’s right. And common sense. And understandable.
If you pray for something then you’ll feel you’ve done something to help bring it about.
So you ‘ll feel that much more empowered rather than powerless and ineffectual.
This in itself can cause a change in yourself that makes a change in the environment in which you’re praying – which might be enough to bring about the change you want!
Simple example: praying for success in an exam. You’re all uptight, you pray, you feel better, you pe rform better.
No worries. Pray your heart out if it helps you and be sure that there will very probably be at the very least the placebo effect.
So as long as you don’t expect too much it’s kinda win-win.