What is it really all about..
check out NDE (near death experiences) and Child Reincarnation vids on youtube and you could well become convinced that we are all really just eternal spirits having a life on earth involved in matter for some reason – generally said to be educational, to learn something for ourselves.
Seems pretty certain. Then if you look a little more you’ll maybe
see that while everyone seems to have the same overall things happen to
them they seem to tell the story of it in their own religious terms, if
they have a religion. And the more they have a religion the more kinda
‘freaky’ or peculiar to themselves their telling gets.
If they have a religion – or something similar, some idea of the supernatural, the ‘spirit world’, the afterlife, the whatever, if it is a strong enough thing in their mind the the more they will people their recollection of their NDE experience with characters or ideas from it. From their own ‘faith’, though when you go over their accounts no on in their account actually claims to be this or that person or for this or that thing.
Well that’s not quite true. Since writing that I’ve found accounts where some have reported talking to entities that have said they are this or that, this person or that person, this god or that god.
But that is very unusual.
And it is balanced by the number of accounts where they tell the experiencer that the nature of reality is something different.
They just all actually seem to have an experience of feeling
enormous unconditional love, of having all knowledge instantly available
to them, of being able to contact at any time anyone they’ve ever known
and of being on earth to do something which they have to go back and
They come back and tell that story in their own particular way
which seems very much to be their own interpretation of it rather than a
simple recounting of it.
So that’s where I’m at these days: I see all religions as
attempts to explain the truth to people by analogy, by metaphor etc and
from, by, people who themselves have had NDE’s and are reincarnates with
patchy recall and so on.
A very, very difficult job Never underestimate just how difficult
it can be to teach human beings things. Look at two major religions
today: Islam and Christianity and see how they perform when practiced by
their adherents.
Apparently in places like northern syria you can be stopped and
asked what religion you belong to and if you give the wrong answer you
are killed immediately. Now what has that got to do with the truth of
reality? of human life? of good action, good behaviour, sanity, reason,
Those obviously insane murderers firmly believe themselves to be acting in accord with the wishes of their god.
That’s how hard it is. that’s how crazy people can get.
So it is not hard for me to believe that simply trying to tell
people what life is ‘really like’ – i.e. ‘on the other side’ or ‘in
heaven’ or ‘after death’ or ‘in a previous life’ has led to this
mishmash of weird beliefs and cults and superstitions and mystic
writings etc., etc…
None of which is necessary at all. None. None of those religions, none of those writings, none of the preaching.
According to common sense and according to what we hear from these NDE people and those reincarnations that remember enough to tell us anything the whole thing boils down to simply: Love.
You are/we are in reality loved unconditionally by reality itself (creation, the creator, god, whatever…). We are apparently totally loved no matter what. The whole of everything is in fact love.
So love. Simple as that.
Too hard? Can’t go around kissing everyone. Certainly can’t go
around having intercourse with everyone. How to do it? See? It already
begins to shade off into weird, wordy explanations tending towards
‘books’ and bibles.. Now we have to have a book of instruction.. it
all begins…
But not necessary. Let’s not do it.
Do unto others as you’d have them do unto you is enough.
That’s how to love. In practical ordinary real world terms.
As simple and easy as that.
All else is sheer and utter unnecessary bullshit.
Now if that’s not good news I don’t know what is.