You’ve got to have a meeting place, I think. To meet your god. God.
Lots of people think that. All religions have meeting places to meet their gods, usually in groups but many also talk of meeting their god one to to one.
And I think that’s right. You’ve, we’ve, all got to have a place to meet our god.
And our god being “love”, Love itself, then that means we have to have a place to meet love. Meet ‘Love’. And what’s that? Well for sure love is happy, isn’t it? We’ve got to have a place to meet happiness.
Meeting our god is meeting happiness and love.
We need a place, we each and all need a place to meet happiness and love. To meet our god: happiness and love.
The point being that so often we seem to have some fixed ideas that are perhaps wrong or not very helpful:
. That to ‘meet god’ you have to go sit in some unusual environment at a certain time and wait for ‘the event’ to begin.
. That to ‘meet god’ you need an intermediary who oversees the whole operation.
. That you ‘meet god’ only when in organised ‘meetings’ like that, with numbers of other people.
. That there should be a ‘proper’ odour of ‘sanctity’, a proper measure of decorum, proper rituals to be performed.
. That having ‘met’ god there need have been no special feeling or experience observed – one has done what was expected, been where meant to be, said what asked to say, sung what asked to sing, stood, knelt, sat, when asked and now turned out again into the world – ‘that’s that’ and that’s all to it.
No. I think not.
Walk alone in the country and observe a hill, a tree, a bush, or simply meditate, and feel happy and feel love for what you see, what you experience, and you’ve met, are meeting, your god.
A direct experience. An immediate experience.
See your child sleeping and feel love in you heart – a common experience, I think – and there you are, meeting god.
God is the love. God is the happiness. God, as we know, is everywhere, imbuing all things, omnipresent, ubiquitous but generally not ‘experienced’ by us as we go about our daily affairs.
But as you stand contemplating your child with love that’s when the total immersion in god that is the truth, your truth and everyone’s truth, is actually felt by you.