Time For A Sermon

A church should have sermons, eh?  I suppose.

So here’s one:  I was thinking recently how ordinary everything was.  Considering I’m privy to this earth shattering truth, you know? That God IS.  And that God is Love.  And that Life goes on after death.

And everything..

There’s people spend their whole lives trying to figure out those answers.

There’s people go into endless raptures about having figured them out.

There’s whole religions formed with millions of adherents just on the strength of one person having ‘figured it out’ or having been ‘enlightened’ and so on.

It’s a big deal.

But here am I and live is ordinary.

And I thought of all those NDE people who are the people I believe have really been there and seen it and experienced it, touched it,  and come back with first hand truth to tell us.

And I remember many of them report living lives that are less than transcendentally  wonderful day by day.

So I was thinking – yep, why not?  Why should there be any dramatic changes when you realise what the truth is?

I mean, this was always the truth.  The world IS the true world. The TRUTH itself has always been.  God is omnipresent ALWAYS if you like.

Just because we wake up to the truth doesn’t change anything at all, does it?

I mean it’s nothing new.  We’ve been told for centuries the same old story from every corner of the globe.

Finally we learn that it is true and then: so what?  Nothing is different.  You still inhabit a human body and must attend to its needs, food and shelter and pursuit of whatever track it is on.

It’s this recent fashion for running around saying ‘I’ve found Jesus’ and so on and professing life is so wonderful and blissful and ‘Isn’t God marvellous’ and so on that colours our thinking, changes our expectations, I think.

For them it seems to work like that.

But I see no reason why it has to.  Why we should expect it to work like that for  u.

I know the truth.  I walk amongst a crowd and see an individual.  He doesn’t know the truth. Life all around us is just so.  Then he suddenly understands the truth.  What difference?  None. Life all around us remains exactly the same.

Sure it makes a difference and we can easily claim it is an enormous difference. Yep.  But it doesn’t at all necessarily make a difference such that all your days are blissfully happy.


How about this lady. I think she’s been there.  Seen the truth.  Met the truth. Known the truth.  How’s her life been since then:
