
Nice to have good memories isn’t it?

Well that’s what we should be doing on a daily basis: making good memories.

i.e. have the presence of mind at any time to think ‘I will look back on this moment with pleasure’  and in that instant change it – if it needs changing – into a pleasurable occasion, moment.

I mean assume you’re dead.  It’s the afterlife. There you are looking back on your life.

Explaining to god and/or yourself (and all attendant beings, whatever) what you’ve done all your life, how it’s been, what/how you’ve been.

Well you’d want it to come out full of loving stuff, wouldn’t you?  Not a bleak, black history.  But quite the opposite.

Well a good start on that would be if here and now you took the trouble each day, each minute, each event, each happening that you happened to think of it – to ‘set it up’ so’s you’ll be able to look back on it from that position in ‘heaven’, in the afterlife,  with some pleasure, some pride maybe, at least not with discomfort and shame.

That’s what I mean.