Gurus Everywhere…

I just made a post about ‘It’s All Good’ and I mentioned that you quite often hear the phrase from the most ordinary people in the most ordinary circumstances.

I think it is interesting to consider that those people may not be simply parroting something they’ve heard,  may not be sarcastically commenting on events, but may actually be expressing a realisation they’ve come to.

Perhaps they’ve had NDE experiences and had it revealed to them.

Perhaps they figured it out.

Perhaps they were born some kind of guru with elevated ‘spiritual knowledge’.

Whatever.   The point is there may be a real enlightened one standing right next to you at any time.  They don’t all walk around in bedsheets you know.

And in that context I’d like to reiterate – I think/hope I’ve iterated it – that here is no enlightened guru.  Here is a statement of the current beliefs of a wonderer and a wanderer and a venue for others to engage in discussion and exposition of such beliefs.

That’s what the ‘fairdinkchurch’ is.  A statement of what we currently find to be real,  ‘fairdink’.


It Is All Good…

You often hear that: ‘It’s all good’.  Often just muttered in passing by someone apropos of some little thing or almost nothing.

That’s at the ordinary ‘mundane’ level of life isn’t it?

And then at the ‘other end’ where they get all arcane and highly technical and super intelligent and knowing they say pretty much that same thing.

For they say that All is God and All if Proceeding according to God’s Design and stuff like that:  So: All is good.

I say it. We say it.  In the ‘fairdinkchurch’.  We say, like the NDE people, that we come to earth voluntarily to inhabit a human body in order to learn something and somehow improve ourselves – our ‘selves’ being a spirit self or something, not this human body which changes all the time and eventually gets shuffled off.

So there’s people everywhere saying it up to and including right here.

But just what does it mean?  How much do we take it in?

Like it’s pretty easy to adopt the attitude that ‘It’s all good’ along with ‘if only other people would realise it’.  See?

I think that’s the commonest way. It is for me.  I think ‘It’s all good but this one doesn’t know it or that one doesn’t know and this, that and the other is bad..’

But I’m wrong aren’t I?  It is ALL good is the postulate.  People are doing what is more or less foreordained and overall it IS  ALL good. ALL.

So:  It is all good but that bloke is behaving in a shocking and bad manner.

Well: that’s GOOD.  Because it is ‘ALL GOOD’.  It really is.

And that’s not the same as saying we should accept his shocking behaviour, endorse it, mimic it,  meet it with something even more shocking is it?

We see this clearly enough with little kids.  We see them in kindy or child care or wherever and all sorts of behaviours are manifest, all sorts of ‘bad’ things happen but we look at it all and decide ‘It’s all good’.  Nothing to get excited about.  To be expected, we say, we think.  That’s overall all to the good in a bunch of children interacting. It all has to happen. There has to be some tension and some differences demanding adjustments here and there.

So little Michael bopped Mary on the head with a plastic toy and that’s BAD.

So we stop him doing it.  But overall it’s GOOD.  The children’s interactions are GOOD for they’re learning.  We can now teach Michael and Mary learned something.  See?

Well of course exactly the same should apply in the adult world.  The same does apply.

So what’s the point of that?

Well it can take the drama and excess unnecessary pain and such out of things.  You feel very little drama and pain when dealing with the children in the pre-school.  But when dealing with your peers in the adult world you can feel a lot of pain and drama.

Even when dealing with your own children.

That pain and drama makes the whole thing more difficult.  If we could take it away it would get easier just as it is easy to deal with the pre-school incidents it would become easy to deal with the adult incidents.  Or easier, anyway.

Mainly what I’m saying is that whatever happens whilst it may be inarguably awful and bad in itself it doesn’t change the fact that overall ALL Is Good!  It’s all good.

We allow, sometimes, I think, a local incident that is not good change our overall apprehension of the world so’s we wander around basically with a cast of mind that ‘It is not all good’.

Like ‘It was All Good until you came along.’

Or ‘It was All Good Until the Roof Fell In’.

But really it remains All Good.

Hard to believe, eh?


I find it hard to read my own posts !

Words… words…. words….

Going on forever……  grey and tedious…..

Stop the meandering talk and just tell it:

All is god.  God is love.  You/we are all part of god.

We are beings of simple energy essentially – just as the whole physical world is  comprised simply of energy, really.

And we choose to incarnate on this physical plane for the sake of the experience and what we learn.

That’s all there is to it.




A Bit of Truth Here

A bit of Fair Dink Truth here is that there never was a medical emergency,  that if there had been this would not have been the way to deal with it, quite the contrary and that now there IS an emergency and it is the epidemic of govt malfeasance everywhere.

Now in the spirit of the ‘one true god’ – i.e. ‘love’ and honesty, truth, we have to say that.  It needs to be said.

As it needs to be said that forcing little children to have injections is not a free, honest, true, sensible thing to do, either.

But it has been the norm for a long time now, right here in Australia.

We don’t think of it that way because we are so accustomed to belief entirely that vaccinations are necessary and good and without risk.

Those three things.

But the honest truth is that many times they are not ‘necessary’, that’s even if we assume they work and so on – but there’s just no present danger.

And they’re not necessarily ‘good’.  They always carry a risk and sometimes that risk gets so bad that historically vaccines have been withdrawn and banned and millions and millions of dollars have been paid out in compensation even where there’s govt laws preventing suing the pharmaceutical industry itself – govt has had to be sued and they’ve been sued and successfully and they’ve admitted the vaccine did the damage and they’ve paid.  Millions, again and again.

So it’s quite clear and simple: they’re not always ‘good’.

And, as said, not without risk.

Now the same can be said for this mask thing.  Entirely.

And it is said very well and clearly here in this newsletter from the Canadian Covid Care Alliance, an excellent site,  excellent newsletters, well worth getting onto:–.html?soid=1138575989206&aid=GPjfqeL7ZtE

Time For A Sermon

A church should have sermons, eh?  I suppose.

So here’s one:  I was thinking recently how ordinary everything was.  Considering I’m privy to this earth shattering truth, you know? That God IS.  And that God is Love.  And that Life goes on after death.

And everything..

There’s people spend their whole lives trying to figure out those answers.

There’s people go into endless raptures about having figured them out.

There’s whole religions formed with millions of adherents just on the strength of one person having ‘figured it out’ or having been ‘enlightened’ and so on.

It’s a big deal.

But here am I and live is ordinary.

And I thought of all those NDE people who are the people I believe have really been there and seen it and experienced it, touched it,  and come back with first hand truth to tell us.

And I remember many of them report living lives that are less than transcendentally  wonderful day by day.

So I was thinking – yep, why not?  Why should there be any dramatic changes when you realise what the truth is?

I mean, this was always the truth.  The world IS the true world. The TRUTH itself has always been.  God is omnipresent ALWAYS if you like.

Just because we wake up to the truth doesn’t change anything at all, does it?

I mean it’s nothing new.  We’ve been told for centuries the same old story from every corner of the globe.

Finally we learn that it is true and then: so what?  Nothing is different.  You still inhabit a human body and must attend to its needs, food and shelter and pursuit of whatever track it is on.

It’s this recent fashion for running around saying ‘I’ve found Jesus’ and so on and professing life is so wonderful and blissful and ‘Isn’t God marvellous’ and so on that colours our thinking, changes our expectations, I think.

For them it seems to work like that.

But I see no reason why it has to.  Why we should expect it to work like that for  u.

I know the truth.  I walk amongst a crowd and see an individual.  He doesn’t know the truth. Life all around us is just so.  Then he suddenly understands the truth.  What difference?  None. Life all around us remains exactly the same.

Sure it makes a difference and we can easily claim it is an enormous difference. Yep.  But it doesn’t at all necessarily make a difference such that all your days are blissfully happy.


How about this lady. I think she’s been there.  Seen the truth.  Met the truth. Known the truth.  How’s her life been since then: